Trident Outreach

10 Tips for Writing Engaging Cold Emails That Actually Get Responses

Marketing Sales Linkedin

alt_text It’s time to stop sending out cold emails that go ignored and start writing better, more engaging emails. You may think this is a waste of time or don’t know where to start, but we are going to give you 10 tips for writing the best possible cold email so your recipients can’t help but respond!

1. Be short and sweet

Keep your email brief. No one wants to read a novel from you, so identify the most important aspect of what you’re trying to say in just three sentences or less

2. Don’t sound like an advertiser

You want them reading this because they find it interesting, not because they feel obligated.

3. Customize your emails to the person

You don’t know what they want to hear from you, so talk about the things that are important to them. This will show your recipient you took time and care for their needs rather than sending a generic email


4. Tell them what you are offering

Let them know what’s in it for them. What do you want to get from this email exchange? A new client? Feedback on your latest project? For the recipient, knowing that upfront will make their decision easier

Without these things, they won’t be engaged with your message and may not bother reading it at all.

5. Explain what you have done for a similar person

When you share your successes with the person, it will help them feel more comfortable about working with you. Not only that, but they might want to hire you based on what they know so far

If someone is interested in hearing more from me, I’m happy to send a case study and portfolio link! That way they can see what I’ve done for people in the past

You can also mention what you cost and let them know your timeline. They’ll be able to see if it’s worth their investment or not.

6. Hit on pain points for them

If you know what someone is struggling with, you can use that as a way to get your foot in the door.

For example, if they’re not getting any responses from their email marketing campaign, then recommend them some strategies for better open rates and engagement

Ask what’s been working so far and how you could help solve these problems.

7. Keep it Conversational

Nobody reads emails that sound like they’re written by robots.

Try to make it sound like someone is writing to another person and not just a company on the other end of an email address.

8. Have a clear call to action

Make it a point to tell the reader what you want them to do.

Whether that’s signing up for your company newsletter or asking for feedback, make sure they know exactly what their next step is when they’re done reading.

9. Have a subject line that Piques their interest

It’s always a good idea to start with an engaging subject line, especially when cold emailing someone for the first time.

That way they have no reason not to open your message and you’ve already got them hooked by being intriguing before they even read what you wrote.


10. Include a link to your where you want them to go

If you’re emailing someone and asking them to book an appointment with you or visit your website, include the link in your message.

That way they can click on it immediately from their computer or mobile device while reading so that they don’t have to go find the URL when they get back to work.

Writing engaging cold emails that actually get responses can be tough, but with these 12 tips you’ll have a fighting chance! There are plenty of people who want help when it lands in their inbox, but won’t go out looking for it on their own!

Getting a campaign started

If you would like to start generating leads using email but don’t know where to start, consider using Trident Outreach!

Trident Outreach allows you to turn your sales navigator search into a powerful email campaign. Simply plug in your search and Trident will:

  • Hunt down and verify the emails of the prospects in your search
  • Send hundreds of emails a day to your prospects in a custom campaign
  • Organize your leads in a user-friendly CRM where you can export them in excel or CSV

To get your campaign rolling, simply:

  1. Get started for free here: Trident Outreach Signup

  2. Watch the tutorials and create your first campaign

  3. Let Trident Outreach run and watch your leads list grow and your sales funnel fill up!

Check out our demo video to see how Trident Outreach can turbocharge your marketing efforts!

Brantley Daniel

Brantley is a founding partner of Trident Outreach and owner of his own marketing agency. Over time, he has demonstrated excellence in the art of B2B prospecting across many industries