Trident Outreach

Create Lists and Send Emails from Linkedin

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Over 1,000,000 Early Access Leads Found


Find hundreds of verified emails every day

Say goodbye to bounced emails, copy and paste, and labor-intensive prospecting.

Trident Outreach seamlessly turns your Linkedin search into contact lists with verified emails.

Set up automated email campaigns in minutes

Send automated and personalized emails to your new contacts and forget about cold outreach.

Simply make a sales navigator search, create your campaign and let Trident get to work for you.


Organize your contacts in a powerful CRM

Keep track of and sort your leads in an easy-to-use CRM.

Simplify your prospecting and filter your leads in seconds.

Export your contacts with 1 click

Easily export your leads in Excel or CSV.

Upload your leads into all major CRM’s, create lookalike audiences, and more.


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Find Leads

Enhance Leads

Verify Emails

Automate Emails

Export Lists

Before Trident, I had to string together multiple softwares to get the same result. Now, I get the same work done twice as seamlessly and I’m paying less than half of what I used to pay.

Phil Thomas
Digital Marketer

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